Many people are concerned about what’s constitutional or not right now.

However, those same people don’t realize that the Petrodollar System is more important than the constitution.


The Petrodollar System is the only thing that is keeping America and it’s creditors afloat… and if that system breaks, the constitution will be more worthless than it already is. Yes, I said that… and if you believe otherwise, show me where and how the constitution is helping you to solve any of your problems or the problems of society. I know when something is useless.


So, what is the Petrodollar System?

In summary, the Petrodollar System is an agreement between America and the world that all oil will be purchased in U.S. dollars. The Petrodollar System began in the mid-1970s after America unpegged the U.S. dollar from gold by killing the gold standard. That was done in response to crippling inflation, wage and price freezes, surcharges on imports, and soaring debt. The Petrodollar System is what allows America to print as much money “from thin air” as the government desires. Of course, the printing of massive sums of money caused inflation to rise at a pace that has only increased since. Had America not enforced the Petrodollar System, what is happening in Sri Lanka right now would be common place in America today.

Now, the Petrodollar System is breaking because various countries are poised to buy oil in Russian Roubles and Chinese Yuan, instead of U.S. dollars. Simultaneously, the Federal Reserve Bank is “Quantitative Tightening” the money printers and raising interest rates which can do nothing to ease the inflation because inflation happens when the demand for goods surpasses the supply of goods. Currently, the global supply chains across all industries and markets have been disrupted in ways that cannot be solved. The demand for goods has exceeded the rate at which the supply of goods can be produced. This is why raising the interest rates and nothing else is able to “solve” the “problem” of inflation. Attempting to control inflation is like try to stop the sun from shining which is why inflation has never been successfully controlled in any economy at any point in human existence. When inflation begins, it doesn’t stop. Do not be fooled… inflation never pauses or decreases and the proof of that is the inflation rate from the beginning of the U.S. economy or ANY economy, up until now.

You can’t fix anything that is broken by breaking it even more. How can the inflation problem be fixed by printing even more money, which exacerbates the inflation problem further? Considering the amount of debt that America is in, which amounts to much more money than the total amount of all money that exists across all countries and economic systems (all of the money in the world), printing billions of dollars “out of thin air” is not the solution when that is the cause of the problem. What are the only 3 things that governments can do? Print money and use money to make more laws about printing more money while taking more money from the public. Print, make, and take is what politicians do, but never in your favor or best interest.

So, what is the outcome?

Look around you and then, look at Sri Lanka.

America is in the SAME EXACT POSITION as Sri Lanka with two exceptions… America is bigger and it has the Petrodollar System. Sri Lanka is a small island nation that is overpopulated by 22 million people and it does not have the PetroDollar System. America is only a few dollars away from seeing scenes that resemble what is happening in Sri Lanka, all over the Western world.

Societal decay is real and it is happening right now. The only way for ANYONE to survive what is happening is to outpace inflation. What you are seeing throughout society is not going to stop and it can only get worse. I’m hosting a workshop that explains, in detail, exactly what you need to do in order to outpace inflation. You are invited to attend. There is no cost for registration.


Diez Mansour-Dehghan
Founder, The House of Harakhti