The left-wing values the collective over the individual and that is their major flaw.

They ignore the fact that any collective is composed of individuals.

So, by weakening or hindering the individual, the collective is weakened or hindered by default.

The right-wing respects or tolerates anyone’s beliefs or opinions and that is their major flaw.

Because of that, the right-wing is inclined to respect and tolerate lies in the form of beliefs and opinions. Beliefs and opinions are not always absolute facts nor are they always beneficial for individuals or a society. The right-wing respects and tolerates leftist ideas or concepts that are socially destructive simply because they are the beliefs and opinions of others (even though they are destructive). The right-wing tolerates people and ideas that seek to destroy everything. If you believe that is not true, then how do you explain why communism and socialism have not been outlawed?

This is how things became as they are now.

Both the right-wing and the left-wing have been tolerating and respecting lies or liars.

The people in the middle are confused because nobody is “in the middle” or impartial when it comes to their well-being and survival.

For too long, the wolves have been treated as if they are poodles.

For too long, lies have been given the same value as truth.

For too long, corruption has been treated as if it is lawful.

Right now, every inhabitant of any nation-state is living in a condition of captivity called DIRIGISME.

Yet, people believe they are free.

True freedom does not require permission or approval.

If doing something requires permission or approval, that is not a right and it is certainly not freedom.

For too long, people have been lying to themselves.

Now, it is survival time and nobody can survive with lies.

Everyone must be able to stand on their own but if people are standing on lies, those people will not survive.

A lot of people talk about “what is coming” or “what’s about to happen”.

Those narratives pervade the alternative media channels.

The alternative media pundits claim that exposing or spreading information is how to “fight back” because they believe that if people know about something then those people will be able to do something in order to prevent a proposed or certain calamity.

There is a major flaw with that approach…

…just because people have information does not mean they also know what to do with it or about it.

In other words, just because you give someone a weapon does not mean they will hit center mass.

The alternative media, being no better than the mainstream media, has become like the band that plays as the ship goes down.

I’m not in the middle. I’m not on the right nor am I on the left.

I am above the nonsense and ignorance that you all have been tolerating and perpetuating.

I’ve never had a hand in electing any politician at any time nor am I part of any party because I learned at a very young age to not trust strangers.

As children, many people are taught to not trust strangers, yet they grow to become adults and then they vote for strangers.

Do you know why strangers are dangerous?

It’s because they don’t know you and because they don’t know you, they cannot possibly have your best interests in mind.

To you, I am a stranger but you are also a stranger to me.

So, the only thing we have in common is the desire and will to survive.

You value your life and I value mine.

You value the condition in which you live and I value the condition in which I live.

We both live in a society that is tyrannical RIGHT NOW.

So, I’m going to inform you about what is happening RIGHT NOW.

Right now, you believe that you are free but you are not….you live under DIRIGISME.

Right now, 100% of your politicians tolerate the lack of accountability for their shortcomings and corruption as a body.

Right now, you believe there is nothing you can truly do to stop the tyranny.

Right now, many people believe there is a deadly virus…that primarily kills people in hospitals.

Right now, your human rights are being violated.

Right now, your society is collapsing and there is no turning it around because too much of what is detrimental to society has been tolerated for too long and the result of that is what we society is experiencing RIGHT NOW.

Right now, people are planning for later but they are not taking actions right now that produce real beneficial results RIGHT NOW.

Right now, medical discrimination and segregation are being normalized.

Right now, many people believe that an mRNA “vaccine” is preventing the spread of COVID-19 although they are also being told that it is not preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Right now, you have never seen empirical, biological, and material proof of any SARS-COV-2 variant.

Right now, you don’t see that national, state, and local governments are deploying “special” mobile apps that are the foundation for a social control system.

Right now, iconoclasm and ethnocide are being called something other than what they are (woke, politically correct, social justice, etc.).

Right now, there are heterosexual people that are supporting homosexual people but homosexual people are not supporting heterosexual people.

Right now, if you don’t know what to do about being impacted by everything that is going on, you are part of the problems that you suffer.

Right now, you wish you could do something but you can’t figure it out…and no amount of praying to any god or devil will help you or the society you live in.

Right now, your politicians are not the people that are enforcing their tyranny…it’s the people around you and it might also be you if you are complying with the tyranny.

Right now, the normalcy of the society you grew up in no longer exists.

Too far for anyone is when something has a negative personal impact.

Too much for anyone is when reality exceeds a person’s beliefs.

Too late for anyone is when the truth can no longer help a person.

Right now, for many people, it is too late.

If what you are experiencing or seeing in your society has gone too far or has become too much, it is too late because the right time to prevent anything is before it happens.

Nothing that is already happening can be prevented.

It is impossible to prevent anything that is already happening or has happened.

Right now, you are being presented with a true solution.

If you are intelligent and reasonable, you will take heed apply the solution.

If you are ignorant and unreasonable, you will not take heed or apply the solution.

The ignorant and unreasonable will continue planning for a later condition without considering what needs to be done RIGHT NOW.

Throughout history until now, ignorance has killed more people than any amount of weapons or viruses.

Diez Mansour-Dehghan
Founder, House of Harakhti