If all it took to survive was money, then there would have to be a certain or specific amount of money that would be required.
However, due to the reality of inflation and economic volatility, I know that is not true.
Nobody can buy survival and nobody can survive with money alone.
Survival requires intelligence, reason, balance, order, and resources.
If anything or anyone is to survive for any amount of time, reality must be acknowledged, facts must be dealt with, and reason must prevail because if not, the opposite of survival is death.
Nothing lasts forever.
Society as you have known it is in a condition of decay and death.
This is a recent chart of the world’s deadliest pandemics that has been circulating in the media:
Look at it.
I’m going to show you something that is revealed on that chart that is not part of the mainstream narratives, even though it is there on that chart.
Sometimes, things can be directly in front of people and they still won’t see it.
The chart has 5 columns of data for the world’s deadliest pandemics.
Now, look at the last two columns which show the global population estimate and the corresponding year of the global population estimate.
It shows that from the year 1301 to the year 1980, a time span of 679 years, the population grew to 4.46 billion people.
From 1981 to right now it shows the global population grew from 4.46 billion people to 7.9 billion people.
That’s an increase of 3.44 billion people in 40 years, whereas it took hundreds of years to reach that number before.
Global society has not grown at the same pace.
No industry has been able to grow at that pace.
The systems that modern society depend on have not been growing at that pace.
There are too many monkeys and not enough bananas, so to speak.
It’s overpopulation.
This is why poverty rates and the “wealth gap” have been increasing rapidly over the past 30 years.
All of the the social and commercial systems have been overwhelmed but this is not new and it was happening long before the pandemic.
The pandemic is being used as a new cause for old problems.
The global economy cannot support 7.9 billion people.
Global society cannot support 7.9 billion people.
No supply chain can support 7.9 billion people.
There is not enough food being produced for 7.9 billion people.
There is not enough clean water being produced for 7.9 billion people.
There are not enough businesses with enough jobs to keep billions of people employed.
So, it is not because of “the rich exploiting the poor”.
None of this is because of “the powers that be” or some secret society.
None of this is the fault of the politicians or governments.
This is the fault of all of the people around you that have been reproducing due to extreme sexual liberalism.
People have been having babies to satisfy their beliefs and emotions with no true purpose or intent other than to satisfy their beliefs and emotions.
They believe that having babies as a result of extreme sexual liberalism is “the right thing to do”.
Well, how has that worked out?
The monkeys have literally fkd themselves into their current conditions due to their own immorality.
Overpopulation is one of the primary problems of globalized liberal societies because immoral people are nothing but liberal when it comes to sex.
There are plenty of conservatives that have been very liberal with their sexual organs and have multiple children with multiple men or women and the same is true for the liberals.
Yes, the societies of the world are overpopulated and the only solution is to decrease the populations.
This is being done RIGHT NOW.
Many people will starve to death.
Many people will die from illness due to malnutrition.
Many people will die from violence.
Many people will die from directly or indirectly being poisoned.
Suicide rates will increase.
Missing persons cases will skyrocket.
Global society will become balkanized.
No gods or devils will help anyone and praying is futile.
Everyone must be able to stand on their own.
There is no such thing as “it must get worse before it gets better” because no society lasts forever and that is true because no person or group of people can last forever.
The leaders of global society are actively moving to decrease the size of the global population because they cannot make money if the systems are broken due to the systems being overwhelmed.
No economy can function efficiently when the demand exceeds the supply.
No industry can function efficiently with disrupted supply chains.
All of this presents a very bad outlook for the monkeys.
Are you to share in their fate?
There is only one way to avoid that.